Sex crimes are extremely serious charges which can result in stiff, mandatory sentencing factors including lengthy prison sentences and sex offender registration. Sex crimes are often the most difficult cases given the nature of the allegation and our firm has over twenty years of experience defending those charged with these crimes. Recently our firm was able to resolve a matter initially charging nine first-degree felonies including aggravated kidnapping and sodomy with a plea to two class B misdemeanors.

See court docket showing resolution of two class B misdemeanors here.


Persons charged with sex crimes need a skilled and experience attorney who understands all the levels of defending these cases, including federal law as sometimes the United States may step in to prosecute depending on the circumstances. Our firm has defended many sex crimes in the state and federal system. We understand relevant issues relating to custody status pending the resolution of the matter, potential release conditions, employment considerations, search warrant issues, dealing with complaining witnesses including children, availability of records not provided through routine discovery, family dynamics, and collateral consequences. 

Contact us for a free phone consultation.